This is a list of papers that I have published on this topic:
- Topological features of the quantum vacuum, arXiv:1810.02159 (2018)
- Weyl relativity: A novel approach to Weyl's ideas, JCAP 06, 014 (2017)
- Uncovering the effective spacetime: Lessons from the effective field theory rationale, IJMPD 24, 1544019 (2015)
- Longitudinal diffeomorphisms obstruct the protection of vacuum energy, PRD 91, 124071 (2015)
- Absence of cosmological constant problem in special relativistic field theory of gravity, AoP 398, 9-23 (2018)
- Unimodular gravity and general relativity from graviton self-interactions, PRD 89, 124019 (2014)