This is a list of papers that I have published on this topic:
- Phenomenological aspects of black holes beyond general relativity, PRD 98, 124009 (2018)
- On the viability of regular black holes, JHEP 1807, 023 (2018)
- Seeking observational evidence for the formation of trapping horizons in astrophysical black holes, PRD 97, 123012 (2018)
- Stellar equilibrium in semiclassical gravity, PRL 120, 061102 (2018)
- Gravitational wave echoes from macroscopic quantum gravity effects, JHEP 1705, 054 (2017)
- Exponential fading to white of black holes in quantum gravity, CQG 34 105007 (2017)
- Black holes turn white fast, otherwise stay black: no half measures, JHEP 1601, 157 (2016)
- Where does the physics of extreme gravitational collapse reside?, Universe 2, 7 (2015) (2015)
- The lifetime problem of evaporating black holes: mutiny or resignation, CQG 32 035012 (2015)
- Mutiny at the white-hole district, IJMD 23, No. 12, 1442022 (2014)